We Are New York Values

Job Readiness


Mission: Founded in 1997 as the Business Center for New Americans, Accompany Capital was originally part of the New York Association for New Americans, an organization created in 1949 to resettle World War II refugees. Accompany Capital creates a pathway to prosperity for New York area immigrant, refugee, and underserved entrepreneurs, supporting them as they launch and grow their businesses with access to affordable credit, financial education, and training in technology and best business practices.

Website: https://accompanycapital.org/get-involved/
Email: info@accompanycapital.org 
Phone: 212-898-4130 or 347-730-6468

What volunteers do:

  • business professionals mentor business clients and conduct workshops

  • undergraduate and graduate students conduct research, analyze data reports, and assist with marketing and publicity

Borough: Manhattan and Queens

Mission: Bottomless Closet inspires and guides disadvantaged New York City women to enter the workforce and achieve success. The Bottomless Closet experience is all about making women feel confident, prepared, and empowered to ace their job interviews, start that new job, and begin their journey to self-sufficiency.

Website: https://bottomlesscloset.org/volunteer/
Email: Pam Kulnis, program director, pkulnis@bottomlesscloset.org
Phone: 212-563-2499

What volunteers do:

  • work one-on-one with clients to select work-appropriate clothing from the boutique

  • review resumes and prepare clients for their interviews

  • sort clothing donations and select desirable professional attire

  • organize displays in the boutique

  • manage the storage space

  • facilitate workshops on topics including professional development, financial management, technology for life, and personal enrichment

  • consult in volunteer’s area of expertise (e.g. website design, graphic design, writing/editing for communications)


·      when you email, please share a bit about your background and experience, as well as the type of volunteering (remote, in-person, workshop, etc.) you are interested in.

 Borough: Manhattan

Mission: BRC recognizes that the effort to end homelessness requires more than passion and experience, but also a sense of organizational responsibility and the strength to manage professionally. BRC is a place of opportunity for the people we serve, sustained and strengthened by their efforts and achievements. We see the potential in each person we meet and welcome them with an individualized plan that leads to personal results. We support our clients with an array of services and programs including street and transit outreach for the unsheltered homeless, substance abuse recovery, reentry from incarceration, health and mental health support, temporary housing and shelter, employment training, permanent housing, and senior support.

Website: https://www.brc.org/volunteer
Email: https://www.brc.org/contact
Phone: Rick Akin 212-803-5720

What volunteers do:

  • help staff outreach team inform homeless individuals about services and connect them to services (weekly commitment for three months)

  • assist in food service at residential programs and drop-in centers (food prep and service, cleanup)

  • administrative assistance (take inventory, file, copy, shred documents, internet research, front-desk reception, data entry); commitment flexible

  • teach Tai Chi, light yoga, low-impact aerobics to clients

  • teach ballroom dance

  • photography/videography

  • create educational videos for vocational training

  • create marketing videos

  • lead creative writing/poetry workshop

  • English conversation partner with 1-3 seniors, using newspapers and magazines to practice speaking aloud and conversation

  • assist clients with computers for general use or for job hunting/resume writing

  • address vocational clients on job-related topics (changing careers in mid-life, challenges in keeping a job, what employers look for, how to resolve work conflicts, how to deal with a difficult boss)


  • registration form and volunteer orientation required

  • outreach volunteers are Manhattan based and work either 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. or 7 p.m to 9:30 p.m. in teams of three to five

  • for ballroom dance instructors, Mandarin, Cantonese or Fujan very helpful

  • computer assistants must understand desktop manipulation, creating and saving documents, cutting and pasting, the Internet and basic Microsoft Office products such as Word and Excel

Mission: BCS works in neighborhoods impacted by systemic poverty. We strengthen communities by fostering the educational success of children, the leadership development of youth, the employment and housing stability of adults, the advancement of individuals living with disabilities, and the empowerment of seniors and families.

Website: https://wearebcs.org/take-action/volunteer/
Email: volunteer@wearebcs.org
Phone: 718-310-5600

What volunteers do:

  • mentor and tutor youth

  • maintain community garden

  • staff events and workshops

  • provide resume help and financial literacy support

  • support the operation of mobile shower buses by distributing soap, shampoo, towels (warmer months) and PPE (year-round)

  • clean the shower bus between clients

 Borough: Brooklyn

Mission: Commonpoint is a community centric nonprofit, serving diverse audiences through every chapter of life, across the five boroughs and beyond. We offer a rich range of services through our vast network of professionals, social workers, and volunteers, giving people the tools and resources to connect and grow.

Website: https://volunteers.commonpoint.org/volunteer-sign-up
Email: resettlement_volunteers@commonpoint.org
Phone: 732-639-1579

What volunteers do:

  • work one-on-one with refugee clients as career mentors to support them with job placement and career development (e.g., building resumes, writing cover letters, conducting mock interviews, and connecting mentees to relevant professional networks)

  • facilitate job readiness courses for newly arrived refugee clients (topics include financial literacy, workers' rights, and interview preparation)


  • career mentors meet remotely with mentees

  • career mentor commitment is 1-2 hours per week

  • for facilitators, comfort or experience teaching small groups (5-8 students), especially regarding job readiness topics is not a requirement but a plus

  • facilitator commitment is 1-2 hours once a month

  • volunteers sought who can teach in Spanish, Ukrainian, Russian, Dari/Pashto, Haitian Creole, or Arabic

  • curriculum is already designed

  • a Commonpoint staff member will be present during courses to answer any questions the volunteer may not know the answer to

Borough: Manhattan (for job readiness courses); other work is remote

Mission: Dress for Success is an international not-for-profit organization that empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. We primarily cater to clients who are employment ready and have an employment interview scheduled prior to suiting.  The New York Program serves clients referred to us by our 200+ partner agencies, an expanding and diverse group of non-profits including homeless shelters, immigration services, job training programs, educational institutions and domestic violence shelters. 

Website: https://newyork.dressforsuccess.org/get-involved/volunteer/
Phone: 212-532-1922
Email: volunteer@dressforsuccess.org

What volunteers do:

  • sort inventory

  • assist clients in boutique

  • makeup artist

  • conduct mock interviews

  • mentor

  • motivational speaker

  • administrative support

  • grant writing

  • marketing, PR

  • legal help

  • organize special events

Borough: Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx.

Mission: Founded in 1967, The Fortune Society’s vision is to foster a world where all who are incarcerated or formerly incarcerated will thrive as positive, contributing members of society. We do this through a holistic, one-stop model of service provision. Our continuum of care, informed and implemented by professionals with cultural backgrounds and life experiences similar to those of our clients, helps ensure their success. Fortune serves approximately 6,000 individuals annually.

Website: https://fortunesociety.org/
Volunteer signup: https://www.volgistics.com/appform/1200901165
Phone: 212-691-7554
Email: n/a

What volunteers do:

  • conduct mock interviews

  • tutor

  • assist with resumes and online job applications


  • generally 9-5 on weekdays in Long Island City

  • professionals in culinary arts, solar energy, construction, and community organizing particularly helpful for participants in transitional work program

Borough: Queens (also has Manhattan locations)

Mission: In our classrooms we create a learning environment to teach the skills needed in the modern workforce. We use the evidence-based practice of Motivational Interviewing, proven in clinical and criminal justice settings to drive positive behavior change through exploring ambivalence, goal-setting, and empowering students and graduates to transform their own lives. We cultivate an environment of respect in all aspects of our work and have an evidence-based and employer-driven approach to training, job placement and career advancement, to respond to the changing needs of our students, graduates and community. We set the same high expectations as our graduates' future workplaces, ensuring they have the skills and experience to succeed.

Website: https://www.thehopeprogram.org/take-action/
Phone: 718-852-9307
Email: n/a

What volunteers do:

  • conduct mock interviews

  • run clothing drives

Borough: Brooklyn

Mission: New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE) is a community-based organization dedicated to building the power and advancing the rights of immigrant workers in New York. Current campaigns focus on curtailing wage theft through contractor licensing reform, protecting job seekers through employment agency reform, garnering municipal support for worker centers, and fighting for comprehensive and inclusive immigration reform. NICE operates a Community Job Center where workers collaboratively agree on rules and fair wages and connect with potential employers. The center serves as a safer alternative for workers who solicit employment at street corners and at employment agencies. At the center, NICE offers leadership and skills trainings, health and safety certification courses, Know-Your-Rights workshops, English classes, assistance to recover unpaid wages, and referrals to critical services.

Website: https://www.nynice.org/volunteer-opportunities
Volunteer signup form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvAOBDbKmT7fly11ejU_63Uk8ulG9eep93cLFguw0jYH2QKA/viewform
Phone: 718-205-8796
Email: info@nynice.org

What volunteers do:

  • work at community events (e.g., backpack giveaway, turkey distribution)

  • job readiness support (resume review, mock interviewing)

  • English practice

  • fundraise

  • write for the blog or social media

Borough: Queens

Mission: For every 100 low-income students, fewer than eight will graduate college and secure jobs. This is a crisis, and it is leading to unrealized potential for an entire generation of talented, motivated young people. Our work to address this crisis is rooted in these core beliefs about the career readiness gap. Strong education-to-career connection leads to better student engagement, lower drop-out rates and higher college persistence rates. College and career readiness can no longer operate in separate, parallel dimensions. Career development cannot be an implied goal of—or tacked onto—college access and success programs. Career development must be an explicit goal and interventions must be early, consistent and sustained. Workplace learning opportunities during high school and college lead to stronger academic performance and full-time jobs upon college graduation.

Website: https://opportunitynetwork.org/support-us/volunteer-engagement/
Volunteer sign-up form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcdTwCvrWI3u6Zc5qaZ3wun2UVsu2VY6LdGyjqVeLwsAUgXA/viewform
Email: https://opportunitynetwork.org/contact/
Phone: 646-237-4090

What volunteers do:

  • participate in speed networking events wherestudents practice their personal elevator pitches, exchange business cards and network

  • help edit student resumes for summer internships and post-collegiate job searches

  • conduct simulated job interviews

  • participate in writing workshops

  • sit on industry-specific career panels on workday evenings


  • speed networking events last 90 minutes, typically 6:00-7:30 on a weeknight, or 60 minutes for high-school freshmen, 6:00-7:00 on a weeknight

  • over the course of the year, career panels typically include: arts; business, finance, and professional services; social change; communications, marketing and outreach; health professions; international careers; legal careers; public service; and writing and media

Mission: Osborne has an 85-year history working with currently and formerly incarcerated men, women, and children and families affected by incarceration. The Osborne Association offers opportunities for individuals who have been in conflict with the law to transform their lives through innovative, effective, and replicable programs that serve the community by reducing crime and its human and economic costs. We offer opportunities for reform and rehabilitation through public education, advocacy, and alternatives to incarceration that respect the dignity of people and honor their capacity to change. Osborne offers a wide range of direct services to justice system-involved people and their children and families.

Website: https://www.osborneny.org/
Volunteer signup form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJ48yVGX4yzPjCt24aCWGI8luM0wlY7WotO8hO5FClIpzoPQ/viewform
Email: sferrer@osborneny.org
Phone: 718-707-2600

What volunteers do:

  • children's education and field trips

  • young adult education and college prep

  • adult education

  • socialize with older adults/seniors

  • job readiness and career prep

  • health education and outreach

  • advocacy

  • event planning

  • fundraising


  • application and reference required

  • in-person or online volunteer orientation required

  • commitment can be one-time, full day, full weekend, weekly, or monthly

Desired skills include:

  • arts/crafts

  • cooking/culinary arts

  • computers/technology/social media

  • construction/carpentry

  • education/tutoring/teaching

  • finance/fundraising

  • performing arts/theater

  • photography/video/film

  • writing

Borough: Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan (and in correctional facilities)

Mission: STRIVE was founded through a collaboration between Sam Hartwell and Tom Rodman, two Manhattan-based bankers who were troubled by the chronic unemployment problem facing the residents of East Harlem and other American inner-cities in the 1980s, and Rob Carmona, an East Harlem native who had overcome multiple incarcerations and substance abuse to earn a Master of Social Work from Columbia University. STRIVE’s innovative model, which ran counter to much of the conventional wisdom in employment and training at the time, combined a short, intense period of training in attitude, self-presentation and job search techniques with rapid placement and long-term follow-up.More than two decades later, the STRIVE model has moved to over 20 cities nationwide and overseas, administered by a wide network of community-based organizations who have helped nearly 50,000 individuals across America enter the workforce. Though still headquartered in East Harlem, STRIVE today is an international leader in helping individuals with significant barriers to employment receive the training and support they need to obtain meaningful work and achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Website: https://strive.org/give (scroll down for volunteering)
Phone: 212-360-1100
Email: info@striveinternational.org

What volunteers do:

  • mentor participants in the employment, fatherhood, or youth programs one-on-one to help them develop life skills and perspective

  • professionals in all fields invited to run or participate in workshops on mock interviews, resume preparation, career mapping, professional communications, social media, civic responsibility, and financial literacy

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: Nearly 130 years ago, University Settlement launched an innovative movement that changed New York City and the country. With University Settlement leading, settlement houses established the idea that immigrants and low-income families deserve basic services like quality education, decent housing, access to open space for exercise and health, and support for the aging. They proved that with a little help, these families could get a foothold on the American dream. Providing social services that give families a helping hand has become part of our national fabric. University Settlement has continued to set the standard and invent best practices for others to follow in America. University Settlement has remained true to its first principle: to strengthen a community, you must strengthen families. And to strengthen a family, you must provide a range of services and support.  Not just childcare.  Not just after-school programs.  Not just education for adults or meals for seniors. 

Website: https://www.universitysettlement.org/join-us/volunteer/
Phone: 212-453-0257
Email: info@universitysettlement.org

What volunteers do:

  • tutor

  • mentor

  • lead workshops on college and/or job readiness

  • work with pre-schoolers

  • tutor after-school

  • teach a specialized workshop

  • help at special events

  • advocate on housing issues

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: Immigrants want to rebuild their careers. Employers are looking for experienced global talent. Upwardly Global brings them together. Today there are more than 1.8 million immigrants in the U.S. who are college-educated but are unemployed or significantly underemployed. In their home countries they were engineers, doctors, scientists, accountants, and nonprofit professionals. In the U.S. they become cashiers, nannies, and cab drivers, if employed at all. To solve this problem Upwardly Global creates employer partnerships that benefit from access to this talent pool. We also provide customized training and support for these new Americans to give them an equal opportunity to find and secure skill appropriate opportunities and achieve their full economic potential in the U.S. We aim to eliminate employment barriers for skilled immigrants and refugees and integrate this population into the professional U.S. workforce. We envision a United States where skilled immigrants are seamlessly integrated into the professional workforce and the fabric of American life, and are recognized for the value they add to both.

Website: https://www.upwardlyglobal.org/volunteer/
Volunteer form: https://www.upwardlyglobal.org/volunteer-application/
Email: volunteers_ny@upwardlyglobal.org
Phone: 212-219-8828

What volunteers do:

  • mentor job seekers one-on-one to help them prepare for the job market (practice interview skills, clarify professional objectives and focus, gain confidence in presentation and networking, edit cover letters and business communications, introduce mentees to industry contacts); commitment of monthly meetings with additional phone and email contact

  • mock interviewers take part in 3-hour workshop; after brief training, conduct practice interviews for two job seekers

  • take part in 2-hour workshop that simulates a typical networking environment

  • share industry/profession-specific expertise and experience

  • resume reviewers review 1-2 client resumes per month and provide industry-specific feedback

  • Industry experts provide resources for staff

  • lead or coordinate networking roundtable in your industry

  • conduct interviews, over the phone or in-person, and help job seekers understand the intricacies of pursuing a career within a given industry sector or company in the U.S.

  • set up small events for potential supporters to hear about Upwardly Global’s work and meet job seekers and alumni

  • plan special events


  • 3 years of professional experience required

  • excellent English communications and writing skills required

  • templates, specific strategies, cultural tips and a structured but fun approach provided

  • Upwardly Global staff and experienced volunteers available to provide assistance

  • mentors receive 45-minute orientation session

  • mock interview sessions take place monthly on a Saturday morning or weekday night

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: Year Up envisions a future in which every urban young adult will have access to the education, experiences, and guidance required to realize his or her true potential. Our mission is to close the Opportunity Divide by providing urban young adults with the skills, experience, and support that will empower them to reach their potential through professional careers and higher education. We achieve this mission through a high support, high expectation model that combines marketable job skills, stipends, internships and college credits. Our program combines hands-on skills development, courses eligible for college credit, and corporate internships to prepare students for success in professional careers and higher education. Our holistic approach focuses on students’ professional and personal development to place these young adults on a viable path to economic self-sufficiency.

Website: https://www.yearup.org/get-involved/ways-to-volunteer
Email: n/a
Phone: 855-932-7871
What volunteers do:

  • mentor (email or call mentee weekly; meet face-to-face monthly for 8 months; help mentee build professional network; review resume and college forms; encourage continuous learning and problem-solving; attend Year Up graduation and recognize your student)

  • tutor academic subjects

  • speak to a class about careers

Borough: Manhattan