Mission: Gays Against Guns NY is an inclusive group of LGBTQ people and their allies committed to nonviolently breaking the gun industry's chain of death--investors, manufacturers, the NRA and other lobby groups, and their puppets in Congress that block good gun laws. We strongly believe that bigotry and hate plus easy access to lethal weapons is a deadly combination. We demand sensible and meaningful gun reform such as a ban on assault weapons and background checks on ALL gun sales, including online and at gun shows.
Phone: n/a
What volunteers do:
meet biweekly at the LGBT Center
participate in nonviolent civil disobedience and theatrical direct actions that “name, blame, and shame” gun manufacturers and those who enable them
Borough: Manhattan meetings; actions across city
Mission: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense is a national grassroots organization committed to reducing gun violence through evidence-based, common-sense solutions. Part of Everytown for Gun Safety, Moms Demand Action envisions a country where all children and families are safe from gun violence. We believe that the second amendment can coexist with strategies designed to prevent gun violence. For too long, the gun lobby has dominated the conversation about gun violence. American families are being destroyed and we have had enough; we will no longer stand by and let elected officials, corporate leaders and other influential voices turn their back on sensible gun laws and policies. We are educating, motivating, and mobilizing supporters to take action that will result in stronger laws and policies to save lives. And you don't have to be a mom to be a "Mom"!
Phone: n/a but you can text JOIN to 644-33 to become a member
What volunteers do:
phonebank into other states to patch calls through from voters to their legislators
write letters to the editor
participate in Lobby Day in Albany
meet with US and state-level representatives in district
get trained to give presentations about storing guns safely (see
help plan and volunteer at meetings, film screenings and other events, like the annual Wear Orange activities and annual Brooklyn Bridge March
Mission: Street Corner Resource’s mission is to eliminate gun and gang violence and to create a more peaceful community by providing teenagers and young adults greater access to real employment, education, training and other resources to assist them in their positive development. Street Corner Resources was recently selected to operate the Cure Violence initiative in Central Harlem. Cure Violence (previously known as CeaseFire) stops the spread of violence in communities by using the methods and strategies associated with disease control – detecting and interrupting conflicts, identifying and treating the highest risk individuals, and changing social norms.
Phone: 212-694-8759
What volunteers do:
research grant and funding opportunities
write grant proposals
coordinate email and mail solicitations
coordinate fundraising campaigns
coordinate fundraising events
(legal counsel) advise on legal and corporate matters
assist with accounting/auditing
youth counselor
life coach
non-profit organizational advisor
general office support (file, answer phones, send correspondence)
Borough: Manhattan